
Mission Partners

Mission is about sharing, giving and receiving. A mission partner is someone who feels called by God to serve in another part of the world church. They must be a Christian and be willing to go and serve wherever God directs usually for a period of between one and six years, accountable to the receiving church. This may mean working with limited resources, living without electricity or running water and possibly becoming fluent in another language.

Whilst there is no doubt that being a mission partner demands a huge commitment, it is also a privilege. Mission partners receive a lot from the people with whom they live and work. They gain a new insight into God, new perspectives on their Christian faith and greater confidence in their own ability to share their faith and skills. They also experience first-hand the joy of belonging to a Church which extends throughout the world.

All Mission Partners are financed through generous giving to the World Mission Fund, to give your support click here.

You can find out here how to become a Mission Partner and also read here about our new short term opportunities.