Guidance for Borrowers Part 3: Exhibition Installation
3.1 Packing and transport
3.2 Hanging the works of art
3.3 Condition reporting
3.4 Interpretation and labels
3.5 Maintaining the exhibition
3.6 De-installation and return
3.1 Packing and transport
The Borrower will be responsible for making appropriate transport arrangements in liaison with the MMACMC Lead Contact/s and the Administrator. The Borrower must use an art carrier approved by the MMACMC. Guidance about the carrier’s terms and conditions can be discussed with the Lead Contact/s. The Borrower will be expected to pay the cost of the transport both to and from the exhibition venue(s) and to arrange the installation and de-installation schedule with the Lead Contact/s and local volunteers.
The crates containing the works of art are very heavy and should be moved with extreme care using specialist handling equipment provided by the courier or the venue. Crates should be packed in a secure room nearby for the duration of the exhibition. It is possible for crates to be removed and returned by the courier, but this will incur an extra fee.
3.2 Hanging the works of art
Ensure that your exhibition plan is available to share with the Lead Contact/s and technicians on arrival. (Refer to Section 2.1) The time taken to hang the work will vary according to the number of works borrowed. Your carrier and technicians will be able to advise as to the installation schedule. The art is fragile, and many items are large and very heavy. The works should be unpacked, handled and hung under the supervision of a qualified art technician approved by the MMACMC Lead Contact/s. If the exhibition is to be held in a museum or gallery, the staff there may have the expertise to hang the pictures themselves. The extent of their involvement in the exhibition and what services they will supply must be discussed with the Lead Contact/s and the Planning Group in advance.
The Lead Contact/s will liaise with the technician/s and Borrower over the tools and equipment required, including ladders. Local volunteers may be able to support couriers and/or technicians with unpacking and hanging the artworks.
Important instructions for hanging the works of art
- Do not use power tools into the wood of the frame. Hand screwdrivers should be used to attach pictures, to avoid damaging frames or works.
- Do not hang paintings in places which are exposed to direct sunlight. Draw blinds or curtains wherever and whenever possible during periods of strong sunlight.
- Do not hang works on damp walls or those showing signs of mould growth.
- Do not hang works above radiators or sources of heat, unless a shelf or cowl is fitted to deflect the heat. In such a case, the wall should be checked regularly to ensure that it never becomes too hot.
- Do not hang works under picture lights. These can overheat the picture surface, causing flaking and fading of paint.
- Small pictures should not be displayed near windows, fire escapes or entrances/exits to buildings.
- Do not add or remove labels on works of art, or add, alter or obliterate any writing on the reverse of pictures or their frames.
- Wear cotton or latex gloves when handling the pictures or frames, to prevent scratches and fingerprints on frames and glass.
3.3 Condition reporting
A condition report must be completed for each work of art on arrival and again at departure, to make sure that it is in the same condition as it was when it arrived. This is essential for insurance purposes and to ensure the art remains in good condition.
The MMAC condition reports will be completed by the MMAC Management Committee Lead Contact/s or representative who is familiar with the works of art, or a nominated person who has experience in inspecting works of art.
3.4 Interpretation and labels
Our Mission and Interpretation Policy gives context for the interpretation of the collection. The Administrator can provide tombstone labels for the artworks in Methodist Church branding. Borrowers are permitted to produce their own labels - however, they should include certain information - title of work, name of artist and that the MMAC is the lender. Ideally, text should be in black on a light background and should be printed in 16pt minimum, for accessible legibility. They can be attached to the wall – never to a frame – with white tack or removable fixing strips. Make sure labels are accessible to children, wheelchair users and those with some sight impairment. Any additional texts should be displayed on separate panels and their author credited.
Looking Guides are available as well as an introduction to the history of the Collection. Two accompanying pop-up banners can be delivered with the Collection.
3.5 Maintaining the exhibition
During the exhibition, care must be taken to ensure that the works of art remain in good condition and are protected from damage so that they can be enjoyed by future Borrowers and visitors. Once hung, the art must never be touched, cleaned or dusted. Fragile low-reflective glazing can scratch easily and should not be cleaned.
Invigilators will be responsible for inspecting the works of art daily and reporting immediately to the Lead Committee Contact/s and the Administrator any changes or damage found. Photographs should also be taken of any changes or damage.
3.6 De-installation and return
The Planning Group should liaise with the MMACMC Lead Contact/s and the Administrator to check the arrangements for the onward/return journey of the Collection prior to booking the return transport. They should also make arrangements for the Lead Contact/s to complete the condition reports and be present for de-installation and packing. The condition reports will be returned to the Administrator, the information recorded and kept on file.
Adequate time should be allowed for de-installation to take place prior to the arrival of the courier. De-installation should be undertaken under the supervision of experienced technicians sourced by the venue or provided by the courier (at additional cost).
Crates should be made available for technicians to access early on the date of de-installation. Following the close of the exhibition, a full report on the exhibition and associated events should be sent to the Administrator, together with copies of all catalogues, booklets, handlists, educational and publicity materials connected with the exhibition. Visitor numbers, event statistics, comments and entries in the visitors’ book are all very helpful to the Management Committee in promoting the Collection to a wide audience.
A template for the exhibition report is available on the Forms and Report Templates page.
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