To help introduce and/or embed the principles of A Methodist Way of Life in your church or Christian community, we have created outlines for 13 worship services and small groups (whether Sunday or midweek, in a church building, café or forest) for each of the 12 commitments of A Methodist Way of Life (MWOL), and a shorter version of 4 services which explore the 12 commitments under the banner of Our Calling. They aim to challenge worshippers to consider what it means to be a Methodist in every moment of our lives, not just on a Sunday morning.
These are guidance notes only, recognising that you know your context and community best. Think of it as a ‘pick and mix’ assortment of options. We also strongly encourage you to give the outlines your own twist by adding personal stories and quotes from books you’ve read or podcasts you listen to. In places, there are suggestions for where such additions may fit well. But it is not intended as a definitive ‘order of service’ and you may wish to skip bits, move bits, or add bits. In fact, if you try to do everything, you will need several weeks for each session!
Similarly, the outlines do not have a set order, nor do they have to be used in a series. If you are doing the whole series, it might be helpful to start with a familiar commitment – something that allows you to celebrate what the community and its members are already doing. But don’t leave all the hard ones until the end! You could rotate through one commitment from each of the four areas of Our Calling, or look at each area in sequence.
These outlines work best when everyone in the church (or circuit) is working together. Rather than specifying the context for each section (eg this bit is for children, this bit is for small groups), the notes are ordered by activity, so that you can decide the best way to use them in your community. For further guidance on how to best use different parts of the outlines, including suggestions for people with different roles in the church, take a look at our How To guide. The outlines are presented as Word documents for you to download so that you can edit them on your computer.
How to get started
Guidance for how to use these outlines and PPT slide templates for additional content
Full series
Download the full series of service outlines and a PPT with images for each session
Our Calling: Worship
The Church exists to increase awareness of God's presence and to celebrate God's love
Our Calling: Learning and Caring
The Church exists to help people to grow and learn as Christians, through mutual support and care
Our Calling: Service
The Church exists to be a good neighbour to people in need and to challenge injustice