Our approach to seeking a new home for the MMAC
The Chair and members of the Management Committee of the Methodist Modern Art Collection (MMAC) are looking for a New Home for the Collection on behalf of the Trustees of the Collection.
We are seeking an inclusive space from which to tour the Collection, and for displaying selected works, to encourage reflection, healing and exploration, leading to spiritual and artistic enrichment and contributing to individual and group wellbeing.
This new home would become a base from where the Collection can make real and lasting impact on communities. Our aim is to develop partnerships and collaborations with other organisations and creatives, so that we can share our unique Collection in imaginative and ground-breaking ways, creating together a new energetic model for the management of the Methodist Modern Art Collection.
We aim to be flexible and nurturing in our negotiations, taking on board the vison of our partners, understanding their current situation and aspirations of the partnership. We envisage working together to find practical solutions to issues which may arise, including timescales and responding to feedback on our desired criteria.
We are seeking a fruitful partnership with the new home, including open communication and dialogue to shape shared aims. We hope this approach to the search will ensure long-term stability for the Collection in an appropriate home, where new and exciting pathways can be explored. We wish to ensure that, the Collection can promote the Calling and priorities (Broadly summarized currently as to be inclusive, evangelical and social justice-seeking, including moving towards net zero emissions) of the Methodist Church, to help the Church to remain contemporary and relevant to communities.
We hope the Collection will support the new home as a cultural destination within a region, where it will generate tourism and contribute to regeneration, while also maintaining our commitment to tour parts of the Collection in pursuit of making it accessible throughout the UK.
Each year we would hope a core number of works could be displayed within the New Home, thematically interpreted for the public, while the core of the Collection would be appropriately stored, being available for touring to promote the Calling and priorities of the Methodist Church and accessible for research purposes.
We are endeavouring to ensure the highest levels of collections care in our future home, including appropriate storage, reflecting Museum Accreditation standards, for this unique, world-class collection of modern and contemporary religious art, to preserve it for future generations and ensure meaningful long-term legacy.
We aim to operate as efficiently and sustainably as possible being mindful that the Methodist Church has set an aspirational target of becoming a net zero carbon emissions church by 2030. Together with a new partner we hope to build a partnership that will unlock the full potential of the Methodist Modern Art Collection and see it flourish within new contexts, bringing a range of benefits to our new host organisation.