
We live in a way that draws people to Jesus

You be you

A teal circle with a magnet illustration in white, above the word 'live'.

We are formed by the people and culture around us. But we are all also made in God's image, so let that shine out.

You have great power to influence and affect other people by the way you live your life. The last verse of Welsh hymn ‘Dod ar fy mhen dy sanctaidd law' by Eifion Wyn is a prayer for such a life:

Dod i mi galon well bob dydd
A'th ras yn fodd i fyw
Fel bo i eraill drwof fi
Adnabod cariad Duw.

Grant me a better heart each day
And grace a means to live
So that others may through me
Know for themselves God's love.

(English translation by Delyth Wyn Davies)

The best way is to live authentically as a whole self; the self who God made you to be. In this way we worship God in our day-to-day lives at work, at home, and out and about.

“Therefore, be imitators of God, as beloved children, and live in Christ, as Christ loved us.” (Ephesians 5:1-2)

“Sometimes I think this is so hard. How can I possibly live up to Jesus?! Other times I think that all Jesus is asking me to be is who I am. I try to ask the Holy Spirit to act within and through me without trying to fake being a ‘perfect person’.”

Living A Methodist Way of Life roots us in God, and opens us to allow God to shine out of us.

That’s not to say that any of us are perfect. But there is something luminously attractive about people open to God making us more holy and loving each day.

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23, NRSVUE)


Pause for thought

If you wrote a book about yourself, what would be the key message? What would you call it?

Interested in having conversations like this with your friends, neighbours and community? Buy Conversations against Mundanity now.

Simple things to try

  1. Tell someone what you love about them.
  2. Use a personality tool like the Johari Window, Enneagram, Clifton Strengths, or Myers Briggs to learn more about your personality and gifts.
  3. Ask a friend which of the fruit of the Spirit they see in you.
  4. Read this Friday Fix reflection on the power of words and reflect on how your own choice of words might affect the people around you.
  5. Invest in a new or existing hobby, so that you can invest in relationships outside of church. Maybe you will have to free-up time by giving something up first.
  6. Do you have any local addiction recovery groups? Put up signs on the noticeboards so people can find the support they need, and to show that the church community cares about healing and transformation.
  7. Listen to a Taketime meditation based on John 15:9-17: Love each other as I have loved you.