Prayers for Israel/Palestine
The following prayers are taken from Day 15 of the 2017/2018 Methodist Prayer Handbook, Jesus the First and Last
Lord Jesus, the occupation of the West Bank can seem a pretty hopeless situation; we see stalemate caused by the absence of a peace process, dysfunctional Palestinian politics, the strength of the Israeli army, the physical presence of the separation barrier. But you too lived in this place when it was under occupation and you inspired hope and taught the ways of justice and peace. May true peace be found in this Holy Land, with Israelis and Palestinians understanding each other’s needs. Jesus, you are the first and the last: help us to trust in you. Amen.
John Howard, mission partner, Israel/Palestine
For settled peoples in fear of expulsion, we pray.
For opinionated peoples in fear of truth, we pray.
For stubborn peoples in fear of change, we pray.
For Jews and Druze,
Shia and Sunni,
Copt and Orthodox,
Armenian and Kurd, and
for all who live in the Holy Lands of sacred scriptures,
we pray. Amen.
Bruce Thompson, Lincolnshire Methodist District Chair
Living God, today we pray for all the people in Israel/Palestine,
that they may discover the courage and humility to build peace
together and that they will seek a just path of reconciliation.
For our Muslim brothers and sisters in Israel/Palestine this day,
we pray “Assalamu Alaikum”.
For our Jewish brothers and sisters in Israel/Palestine this day,
we pray “Shalom Aleichem”.
For our Christian brothers and sisters in Israel/Palestine, this
day, we pray “The Peace of Christ”. Amen.
Adapted from a longer prayer, © WWPPI The Baptist Union of Great Britain