
A journey through Holy Week

A lot can happen in a week...

Join the President and Vice-President as they travel through Holy Week and share a short video reflection.

Each video will be available from 4pm every day throughout Holy Week. Watch the whole playlist, as each video becomes available, above.

Holy Week is the name given to the week beginning on Palm Sunday and ending on Easter Sunday.

  • Palm Sunday: Marks Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem, greeted by crowds waving palm branches.
  • Holy Monday: Jesus clears the Temple of merchants, demonstrating his authority and challenging corruption.
  • Holy Tuesday: Jesus debates with the Pharisees and teaches important lessons through parables.
  • Holy Wednesday: Also known as Spy Wednesday, it commemorates Judas Iscariot's agreement to betray Jesus.
  • Maundy Thursday: Jesus washes the disciples' feet and institutes the Last Supper, emphasizing service and sacrament.
  • Good Friday: The crucifixion and death of Jesus are observed, reflecting on his sacrifice for humanity's sins.
  • Holy Saturday: A day of solemn vigil, marking Jesus' burial and his descent into the dead.
  • Easter Sunday: Celebrates Jesus Christ's resurrection from the dead, proclaiming victory over sin and death.

A woman walking through a forest

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