Experience a love that cannot be contained
Charles Wesley's famous hymn Love Divine, All Loves Excelling talks about Jesus as ‘unbounded love’ – a kind of love that cannot be contained, that works in our lives to free us and heal us. Unbounding Love seeks freedom and justice for us and all people.
Sign up for our daily reflections, that connect to the Lectionary throughout Lent, as we explore how the divine love of God can free us from whatever shackles us, hurts us or separates us from one another. As we join in, we are transformed inwardly and the world is transformed outwardly.
Sign up for our daily reflection emails during Lent
Throughout Lent we are sharing daily email reflections that explore the theme of Unbounded Love. Sign up to receive these each day, beginning on Wednesday 14 February and discover a rhythm of reflection over Lent. You'll also be signed up to future reflection series.