
Planning for later life and retirement is an important part of a minister’s journey and relationship with the Methodist Church. As life expectancy increases the options are more varied and retirement can become a time for reflection and renewal as well as a time for relaxation and leisure.

Ministers who are in their final appointment (two/three years of ministry) are invited to attend a residential or online workshop which provides support for this important transition into retirement.

The workshop will help you to:

  • Reflect on ageing,  change and what retirement means
  • Explore your options and decide what’s right for you
  • Develop greater understanding of your gifts and ways of working
  • Reflect on your changing role, identity and relationships within the Methodist Church
  • Be confident about managing change positively

The workshop is participative and will encourage self-reflection, exploration, discussion and shared learning.

The event is hosted by a retired presbyter and retired single deacon and the sessions are delivered by Tessa Dodwell, an external facilitator who specialises in later life planning, supported by the hosts.

The workshop is held over 48 hours, starting early Tuesday afternoon and ending with lunch on Thursday. Please note that the workshop will include evening sessions.

The aim of this workshop is not to provide detailed information or individual advice on the Methodist Church Pension Scheme or the Methodist Ministers HousingAssociation. Please contact the teams directly to discuss your options and needs.

Workshop dates for 2023/24

Please note that bookings are now available by clicking the links below. If you are attending with a partner, please book two tickets and give your partner's name on the booking form.

8 -10 October 2024 - in person

13-14 November 2024 - on Zoom 

This work has been made possible by generous funding from Benefact Trust