
Worship Leaders

What do Worship Leaders do, and how do they train?

Worship Leaders: Introduction - a PDF download of the contents of this page.

What is a Worship Leader?

Worship in Methodist Churches has always included participation from a wide variety of people. People are encouraged to take part by reading scripture, leading prayers, sharing testimony, playing music and in countless other ways, all of which contribute to worship. You don’t have to be a designated Worship Leader to do any of these things.

Standing Orders (Section 68) defines a Worship Leader as “a person appointed…to take a significant role in the conduct of worship within the life of a Local Church.” Every church is different, and the role of different Worship Leaders may differ significantly. One may lead worship week by week from a guitar or keyboard, another may co-ordinate a team of people providing prayer before, during and after worship, and another may assist the preacher by shaping the act of worship around a pre-planned theme or Bible text.

The quality and consistency of our public worship matters because it is central to our mission, and to the spiritual life of the church. For this reason, we take the training and formation of Worship Leaders seriously, and provide a range of training options to prepare Worship Leaders for their vital contribution.

Training for worship leaders uses the Worship: Leading & Preaching (WLP) course, and there are a number of flexible options. Either go to the Worship Leader Training page or download this PDF document: Worship Leaders: Training and Assessment.

What do Worship Leaders do?

Worship leaders are appointed, trained and commissioned by their Church Council to take a leading and significant role in public worship in their church. They work alongside the minister or local preacher appointed to lead an act of worship. Their role may include choosing and leading music and prayers, reading Bible passages or other readings, facilitating dance or drama and any other aspect of worship other than preaching and presiding at Holy Communion.

Increasing numbers of Methodist Churches are realising the benefits that worship leaders bring. They often know their local congregation well and can introduce new creative insights and gifts into worship which are grounded in their local community and shaped by local mission priorities.

Whilst worship leaders usually work within their own church, they can lead worship at another church in their circuit, subject to agreement between the worship leader, the Superintendent Minister and the churches concerned.

Worship leaders can lead or participate in Local Arrangement services, but churches should not assume that worship leaders will always do so. Local Arrangements are opportunities for the whole church family to share their gifts and ideas in worship.

Who can be a Worship Leader?

Worship leaders must be members of the Methodist Church, and are appointed to serve in this role within their local church. The Church Council is responsible for considering prospective worship leaders and assessing their call, for arranging training, for providing them with opportunities to develop their skill and competency and for appointing them to their role. They do this with the support of the circuit Local Preachers’ Meeting. Worship leaders serve for a period of three years, following which their appointment can be renewed by their Church Council based on the recommendation of the local preachers’ meeting.

How are Worship Leaders trained?

The authorised training course for worship leaders is the Worship: Leading & Preaching (WLP) course, which is also followed by local preachers.

The training for worship leaders is flexible and modular. Two items are required as a minimum. Worship: Foundations, is a practical workbook for worship, which students use with their Mentor. Worship leaders are also required to learn from Module 2 of the WLP course.

The level of training required is set by the Church Council in consultation with the circuit Local Preachers Meeting. Students need a mentor and a tutor to accompany them through the training.

More information is on Worship Leaders' Training page.

Interested in exploring worship leading?

Would you like to explore being a Worship Leader, or do you know someone else who has the skills and gifts to get involved?

If you know someone who is a worship leader already, have a word with them to find out what is involved. You could also volunteer to lead prayers or do a Bible reading in your church to gain some experience.

It's always a good idea to speak to your Minister, who will be able to help you work through whether this is something for you, and will be able to advise on next steps.

You may find this booklet helpful. It includes testimonies, Bible passages and practical guidance to encourage reflection, prayer and talking things through with others.

More Information

We encourage churches to actively support and encourage their worship leaders in their calling.  We also encourage churches to celebrate long and faithful service in this role.  Download a Long Service Certificate for Worship Leaders - pending, please check again later.

Section 68 of Standing Orders applies to Worship Leaders. Download a PDF of this:

Worship Leaders: Standing Orders

For any further information, please contact the Local Preachers’ Office at localpreachers@methodistchurch.org.uk.