
About the course

Worship: Leading & Preaching is the authorised training programme for Local Preachers and Worship Leaders in the Methodist Church in Britain.  The current version is 3.0 and you can find the course website at https://elearning.methodist.org.uk/.  

Guides and Forms - new location

You can now find all the Guides and Forms you need for the WLP course on the WLP Resources page.

Guest Access

If you wish to take a look at the WLP website, go to the course website and log in with the username guestwlp3 and password Guest-wlp3.  Remember to check the capital letters and punctuation.  With guest access, you will be able to see the Worship, Learn and Explore material, together with the Project Briefs.  However, you won't be able to see the Project Workspace, as this is set up specifically for those who enrol as students or tutors.  Nor will you see the Module Library, which is only accessible to those enrolled on the course.  The reason for the latter is that we have to pay an annual copyright license fee for each students who accesses the library materials.

Online Induction

When you enrol on WLP you will receive an Eventbrite link to book a 90-minute Online Induction session on Zoom. 

A range of dates and times are available - please enrol in the one that's most convenient for you.  It's helpful if you, your tutor and mentor can attend together.

For dates from September 2022 to August 2023 click here.

Further bookings after August 2023 can be booked here.

If you attended an induction session and would like a copy of the latest version of the slides, please click here.

Study Skills

Do you feel nervous about studying on the WLP course?  If you haven't done any formal study for a long time, or your previous experiences of study have been negative, this five session ONLINE coursemay help:

Session 1: Who am I as a learner? Exploring our own preferences and needs and how to make the most of our strengths and cope with our weaknesses.

Session 2: Practicalities of learning. Overcoming barriers to learning; planning time and space; coping with the unexpected; establishing good habits

Session 3: The process of self-learning. Getting organised; suggestions for taking notes; getting the most from the "reader"; understanding the assessed tasks (project briefs).

Session 4: Critical Thinking & Theological Reflection. Introducing these two important skills and working through some examples of using them.

Session 5: Getting to grips with Exegesis.  Looking at different ways of reading and understanding the text of the Bible.

New dates will be announced soon - please check back here for booking details.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can I take a look at WLP online without having to enrol?

If you wish to take a look at WLP to see what's involved, log with the username guestwlp3, password Guest-wlp3.  You will be able to see the Worship, Learn and Explore material, together with the Project Briefs and the new "My Notes" function.  However, you won't be able to see the Project Workspace, as this is set up specifically for those who enrol as students or tutors.  Nor will you see the Module Library, which is only accessible to those enrolled on the course for copyright licensing reasons.

What is the WLP Online Induction?

This is a 90 minute online session (using Zoom), designed for new students enrolling on WLP and their tutors and mentors.  These sessions are run monthly, alternating between Wednesday evenings and Friday afternoons.  When you enrol, you will receive details for future sessions.  It's a good idea to attend a session together with your tutor and mentor if you can.  This will set the scene for your learning using the course.  You can also find the booking links for the sessions towards the top of this page.

How do I print from the course website?

To print the Worship or Explore material, go to the module-section you require and look for the "Print" icon at the top right hand side of the main text.  This will print using the settings in your particular browser.  To print the Learn material, use the "Export as PDF" icon at the top right of any page in Learn for the module-section.  This icon will create a PDF file for the whole of Learn for the module-section and either open it, or save it depending on how your browser is set up.  You can then open the file and print it as you choose.  If you find that the PDF files are truncated - for example if there is text missing at the right edge of the page, check in your browser print settings that "shrink to fit" is selected rather than "100%".  If you find the print size is too small, choosing "landscape" rather than "portrait" in the print settings may help.  All browsers work slightly differently, but most offer a range of settings to enable you to print material efficiently. 

Can I display several pages from the course on my screen at the same time, such as the Project Workspace and the Project Brief?

Yes, once you are logged in, you can display as many seperate views as you like at the same time.  Depending on your browser, it's easiest to show the different views in different tabs - you can usually right-click on a selection and choose "open in a new tab" or similar.  It's sometimes possible to open your browser multiple times too, although this depends on your computer and browser setup.

I'm trying to add a PowerPoint file to a project in the Project Workspace but it's too big.  What can I do?

The main reason that PowerPoint files grow large is the size of the photos in the presentation.  PowerPoint provides a solution to this.  The details differ between versions of PowerPoint, but in the 2016 version this is what you do:  1. Open your presentation in PowerPoint and select a photo. 2. Select the "Format" tab and choose "Compress Pictures".  3. Untick "Apply only to this picture" - this ensures compression is applied to the whole presentation.  4. Select your chosen "Target Output" - the "email" resolution will be quite adequate for use in your project, although you may wish to keep a version with full resolution if you want to use the presentation in church or elsewhere.  5. Select "OK" and save your file - you should see a considerable reduction in file size.  Thanks to Julian Bonnebaigt for this helpful tip.