
Learning opportunities to encourage reflective thinking and theological engagement

Theology Book Club

“Having struggled alone in the past to read a few theology books so this approach is something I have been really looking for and am very excited about.”

The Christian tradition is rich with amazing thinkers and activists who have helped us be the kind of Christians we are today. The Learning Network has created a Theology Book Club as a way for you to hear, explore and engage with these brilliant ‘voices’ of our tradition.

You don’t need to consider yourself a ‘theologian’, but if you love to explore and think deeply about your faith this might just be for you.

Each Connexional Year we choose two or three books to explore, but our hope is that you will help us find other books to read in the future.

Each book is explored in two 90-minute sessions – so four sessions if we study two books/six sessions if we study three books during each Connexional Year.

For further information contact Simon Sutcliffe

Click here to book your place.

Bible Month

Bible Month is an annual campaign that celebrates Scripture by inviting the whole Methodist Connexion to feast on one particular book of the Bible together.

Through a menu of carefully curated resources, training and learning opportunities, churches and circuits are encouraged to taste and see the goodness of an individual text; enjoying some of its unique flavours, considering its origins, appreciating its place alongside the rest of Scripture, and savouring the unique contribution it might make to our faithful living and learning today. Individuals, groups, circuits and churches will be encouraged to chew over the text in a whole host of different ways.

Click here to find out more and discover how you can join in.