
Training in Supervision of Probationers

All Probationer Ministers are offered supervision under the Supervision Policy of the Methodist Church. This supervision is offered by an accredited Supervisor who has been allocated by, and agreed with, the Chair of District.

The Supervisor appointed will need to have been trained on the Connexional Supervision Training Course Responsible Grace, and therefore will have trained since September 2017 subsequently being approved to supervise under the Supervision Policy 2021-26. Those who have attended any kind of supervision training prior to September 2017 will need to retrain under the current process and policy.

Those who have not yet attended supervision training (or who were trained before September 2017), should contact supervision@methodistchurch.org.uk to request a place on a suitable Supervision Training Course details of which can be found through this link. 

Training course options

Those who have already attended the training, are accredited and who are in supervision themselves, can expect an invitation to contact their probationer in due course.  This invitation will also outline the content of the briefing received by student ministers, a reminder of the importance of building a  covenant with any supervisee early in the relationship and a link to the relevant bespoke forms used when working with probationers. It will be sent in the early summer of the year before the probationer moves into circuit ministry.

Role Descriptions:

The supervisor of a probationer (Pdf)

The supervisee (who is also a probationer) (Pdf)

Nominated third party (of a probationer) (Pdf)