
Many Methodist churches, circuits and districts have paid administrators, as does the Connexional Team based in London. To find out about paid posts, check out the websites and social media for churches, circuits, districts and the Connexional Team.

Wondering if you’re called to be…an administrator?


Read the words below and look at the image above as you ponder the questions

Many Methodist churches, circuits and districts have paid administrators, as does the Connexional Team based in London. To find out about paid posts, check out the websites and social media for churches, circuits, districts and the Connexional Team. See www.methodist.org.uk/jobopportunities

In the Bible, there are many examples of administrative skills being put to good use. Look at the stories of Moses and Jethro, Joseph, Nehemiah, Ezra, the Deacons and the life of the Early Church.

You can read these stories in Exodus 18:13-26, Genesis 39:1-6, Nehemiah 4:13-23, Ezra 7:21-28, Acts 6:1-6, Acts 11:27-30 and 1 Corinthians 12:28.

Read these stories and pay particular attention to the tasks and details.

  • Which of these administrative skills have you used?
  • Have you ever considered them to be part of your vocation and ministry?