A place that pioneers can call home
The Methodist Pioneering Pathways (MPP) is how the Church supports those beginning New Places for New People.
MPP is a space where you don’t need to explain why you see the world as you do, instead you can focus on being challenged and inspired by the people you encounter in the community.
Who is MPP for and what does it offer?
MPP supports people as they discern a call to become a pioneer and helps them in those first steps.
If you sense a call to pioneer, MPP will help you in this process of discernment through conversations with caring people, and resources to guide you.
If you are already pioneering a new Christian community, MPP will support you and your project to grow.
If you are an experienced pioneer, perhaps already in a fully-funded role or larger project involving greater resources, MPP wants to support you as you deepen your call and develop your leadership potential – within your circuit, your district and the Connexion as a whole.
At its heart, MPP is a community of pioneers – diverse in outlook, background and context; a mix of lay and ordained; all deeply committed to forming new places that connect new people to the transforming love of God.
You can join monthly online gatherings that bring together pioneers from across the Connexion to share stories and wisdom. As well as face to face gatherings with other local pioneers in your district.
An annual retreat is also offered as a time to be together and deepen your understanding of the pioneer call.
Pioneering, like every call, needs to be nurtured through reflective practice and learning.
Each month there is an online gathering to reflect deeply with a pioneer thinker or practitioner who is influencing the NPNP movement.
We offer residential and online training; courses on Beginning an NPNP and Church at the Margins and, Faith Rooted Community Organising are fully funded to help you grow as a pioneer.
There is the offer of a book grant of £100 to help you get up to speed with the latest pioneer thinking. Let us know if you want some recommendation of which books to start with. There is also support of £500 for those taking on further study and development as pioneers.
MPP offers support to put good practices in place which will give you and your community the best opportunity for fruitfulness.
We can help with models of good accountability, systems for evaluating fruitfulness, planning for long-term sustainability, and fostering good relationships with the wider Methodist Church.
You can read about the things we believe are important in Starting New Christian Communities: A Practical Guide.
MPP pairs every pioneer in an active project with a coach. Your coach helps you develop personally, as well as guiding you as you progress your project.
Still exploring your place in the New Places for New People movement?
If you are not sure about what your place is in the New Places for New People movement, why not come along to Beginning an NPNP in your Circuit.
This is open to everyone who wants to learn more about pioneering and beginning new Christian communities.
It is a place to ask questions, hear stories from pioneer projects and learn about the support you can find from the Methodist Church.