All ministers who transfer into Full Connexion or become Recognised and Regarded are provided with an induction programme which runs through their first year of ministry. They are expected to participate in all of these events (apart from where it is indicated that they are optional). This provides support as they adjust to exercising ministry in a new context and also forms a cohort of support with others.
All circuits receiving a MOCC minister also are provided with an induction session to help them and the church communities in the appointment to prepare well.
Dates and details are published annually in the MOCC induction handbook, which also provides information to assist both MOCCs and circuits. Once a minister has been matched to an appointment in stationing, many questions they and circuits might have will be answered in the handbook so please consult it in the first instance.
Residential events are usually held at Cliff College. Travel costs are reimbursed by the Connexion. For details of Cliff College, please see : Conferences - Cliff College
Outline of the induction programme for the ministers:
- August : an initial event run over three days residentially (usually at Cliff College). This event is for ministers, their spouses / partners and family members who live with them.
- September: tailored safeguarding training (foundation module) – run over two days. This event is for the ministers only.
- October: Tax information - a 2 hour zoom meeting to brief ministers about tax in Britain. This is for the ministers only and is optional.
- November / December: Visit from the Connexional Ministerial Coordinator to each minister and their Superintendent in their Circuit.
- March: 6 month retreat run over three days. This is for the ministers only and gives an opportunity to reflect on the first 6 months as well as to take time to step back and be refreshed.
- July: End of year celebration event run over two days. This event is for ministers, their spouses / partners and family members who live with them.
The induction event for circuits is held in the Spring before the minister begins the appointment in the following September. It is held on zoom and is for two members of each circuit leadership team. They are given information that they can then use to help to prepare the church communities.
The Induction Handbook for 2025-2026 is now available to download and access below.
for MOCCs and Circuits 2025-2026