
Joining in with God's mission requires discernment and there are a number of tools, resources and people who can help churches discern how to plan their mission. We can't do everything, but we can notice what God's Spirit is doing in the world and join in.

The Write a great mission plan section of the website has a wealth of information and resources.

Many Districts have individuals who are appointed to roles with a focus on supporting Circuits and Churches in mission planning, such as District Mission Enablers. It is worth checking if your District has anyone who can support. The Learning Network and the Evangelism and Growth Team are also available to support mission and ministry reviews.

The following resources may also help when delving further into planning, or exploring models and options in particular aspects of mission:

Lead churches into growth
Resources to help focus on growth as part of mission

Mission and Ministry Reviews
Some thoughts about how imagining ministry differently can open up opportunities in mission

Mission planning and a Methodist Way of Life
Developing discipleship as part of mission planning

Flourish Schools
Helping churches link with local schools.

Merge churches for mission
How reimagining church can enable mission 

Chaplaincy Everywhere
A course to help a local church or group develop chaplaincy

Property and Mission
Guidance to help churches think about property as part of mission

Children, Youth and Family
Guidance, resources and learning to support ministry and mission with children, youth and families

Mission Sunday
A service reflecting on God's mission