
This section contains links to lots of resources for further individual learning about a wide range of topics.  All of them have been recommended to the Methodist Church by people with experience in the relevant field.  Not all of these external resources will always share a Methodist ethos or theology.  However, that does not mean we cannot learn more about equality, diversity and inclusion issues from reading these resources, and then apply that learning within church life, to better ensure justice, dignity and solidarity within our fellowship.

This video from the Learning Network gives guidance on Critical Thinking and how we can help ourselves to learn, even when we are considering resources that contain things that make us uncomfortable, or with which we disagree theologically: https://youtu.be/pBYp8Ke8YmU

If you find anything in these resources that you consider inappropriate, please reflect on what learning you can take from the resource and why other Methodists might have recommended it.  Please also contact Equality&diversity@methodistchurch.org.uk to report the resource so it can be reviewed and removed from this list if necessary.




Is it time to ditch the term BAME?: Is it time to ditch the term BAME? | The Independent | The Independent
Newspaper article on the term ‘BAME’

Race & Identity – Don’t call me ‘BAME’:
Race and identity: 'Don't call me BAME' - BBC News
Video on the use of the term ‘BAME’

Racial Equity Tools Glossary: Glossary | Racial Equity Tools
Glossary of language used to discuss race and anti-racism


Should ‘BAME’ be ditched?: Should BAME be ditched as a term for black, Asian and minority ethnic people? - BBC News
Article on the term ‘BAME’


Use of the term BAME: Labour's David Lammy backs calls to replace 'jargon phrase' BAME | UK News | Sky News
Interview with David Lammy MP on the use of the term ‘BAME’


What is Critical Race Theory?: What is Critical Race Theory (CRT)? | Definitions, Examples & Meaning (perlego.com)A study guide with a definition of and introduction to Critical Race Theory.



Methodist and Church Resources

Addressing White Privilege: Addressing White Privilege - YouTube
Addressing White Privilege conference from Parkway Methodist Church, Bristol


Anti-Racist Resources: New Anti-Racism Resources for the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (mailchi.mp)
Anti-Racism resources from the United Church of Canada


Asian Theologians: Asian Theologians in the UK (asiantheologiansuk.blogspot.com)
A group in the Methodist Church in the UK doing theology from Asian roots


Becoming an Anti-Racist Church: The United Church of Canada - YouTube
YouTube Channel from the United Church of Canada with a series of videos on becoming an anti-racist church


Becoming anti-racist: EDI 3 Becoming Anti Racist - YouTube
Webinar exploring racial justice and challenging discrimination


Belonging Together: Embedding the Legacy


Belonging Together: Report to Methodist Council


Centre for Black Theology: Centre for Black Theology | The Queen's Foundation Birmingham (queens.ac.uk)
A centre of excellence in theological education for leaders and members of Black Majority Churches


Dear White Church: Dear, White Church... (The British POC Experience) - YouTube
Video on the experience of People of Colour in the UK church


Dismantling Whiteness: Dismantling Whiteness Conference - Hosted by the OCRC on the 17th April 2021. Historic first event. - YouTube
Conference theologically exploring Whiteness as a phenomenon


Giants: Giants Mar 2017 (vimeo.com)
Video on the calling of the giants who have gone before us


In our own skin, In our own words: Chine McDonald & Azariah France Williams – In Our Own Skin, In Our Own Words - (nomadpodcast.co.uk)
Conversation between writers Chine McDonald and Azariah France Wiliams


Is it racist to portray Jesus as white?: Is It Racist to Portray Jesus as White? | Good Morning Britain - YouTube
Discussion on Good Morning Britain


Is the UK church racist?: Is the UK Church racist? Chine McDonald, Gavin Calver & Joe Aldred - YouTube
Discussion on the UK church with Chine McDonald, Gavin Calver and Joe Aldred


Leadership on a Journey: Leadership on a Journey: A conversation - YouTube
Documentary on leaders from the Black British, Asian and the global diaspora in Britain within the Methodist Church


Leadership on a Journey exhibition: The Leaders - The Museum of Methodism & John Wesley's House (wesleysheritage.org.uk)
Online exhibition of leaders from the Black British, Asian and the global diaspora in Britain within the Methodist Church


Racial Justice – A Task for All
Article on Racial Justice by Inderjit Bhogal


Racial Justice hymns:
14 racial justice songs written by John Campbell


Racial Justice Sunday:
Resources for Racial Justice Sunday from 2022


Racism in Various Forms: Watch | Facebook
Video from HeartEdge discussing racism with Dr Jonathan Tran


Shepherds: Fourth Sunday of Advent - Shepherds - All People on Vimeo
Video for the fourth Sunday in Advent: Shepherds – All People


Small Group Ethnicity Study Guide: Ethnicity
Resources for small groups to study Ethnicity, from the Inclusive Church


Start the Week: Start the Week - Personal faith and the Church - BBC Sounds
Radio show on Personal faith and the church, with Chine McDonald, Giles Fraser and Jeet Thayil


Talking about race with young people: Talking about Race with Young People — Yale Youth Ministry Institute
Workshop on talking about ethnicity with young people in a church context.



Anti-Racism Resources

A class divided: A Class Divided | FRONTLINE (pbs.org)
Documentary on the work of educator Jane Elliott


Artswork ant-racism resources: Anti-racism-resources-2021.pdf (artswork.org.uk)
A collection of anti-racism resources and links


Anti-Racist Religious Education: Anti-racist RE resources (natre.org.uk)
Anti-racist materials designed for teachers of Religious Education


Anti-Racism Resources – Survivors’ Network: Anti-Racism Resources - Survivors Network
Anti-racism resources from an organisation who fight sexual violence and abuse and support survivors


Barnado’s White Privilege guide: White privilege - a guide for parents | Barnardo's (barnardos.org.uk)
Guidance on white privilege, aimed at parents


Cracking the Codes: Cracking the Codes: Dr. Joy DeGruy "A Trip to the Grocery Store" - YouTube
An example of the positive use of privilege on a trip to a grocery store


Inclusive Language Guide: Inclusive language guide - MHFA England (flippingbook.com)
A guide to empower inclusive conversations about race, from Mental Health First Aid England


Let me breathe: Let me breathe! - Church Mission Society (CMS)
Piece by writer and performer Natalie Godfrey, aimed at creating dialogue around racial injustice


NHS Advice: bameed-advice-for-being-an-ally.pdf (wordpress.com)
Advice from Dr Muna Abdi on standing up against racial injustice


Red Cross Guide: Talking with children and young people about race and racism | British Red Cross
Guide to talking about race and racism with children


Six Steps to Speak Up: Six Steps to Speak Up | Learning for Justice
Advice on speaking against racism from Learning for Justice


Student Christian Movement anti-racism resources: Anti-Racism Resources | Student Christian Movement
A collection of anti-racism resources and links


The conscious kid: the conscious kid
An education, research and policy organisation that supports families and educators in taking action to disrupt racism, inequity and bias


The emotional impact of watching white people wake up to racism: The emotional impact of watching white people wake up to racism | Metro News
Article on responses to racism in 2020 and the emotional impact on people of colour


Wake Up: WAKE UP on Vimeo
A short film on police brutality and the loss of black life



Black History

Black British History: External Resources (warwick.ac.uk)
An insight into Black British History from the University of Warwick


Black History Month Recipes: Black History Month Recipes - Tasty
55 recipes to pay respect to Black History



Ethnicity: Suggested Reading

Ghost Ship: Ghost Ship Institutional Racism and the Church of England by A.D.A France-Williams - Paperback / softback - 9780334059356 (hymnsam.co.uk)
Book on Institutional Racism and the Church of England


Misunderstanding stories: Misunderstanding Stories by Melinda A McGarrah Sharp (goodreads.com)
Book by pastoral theologian Melinda McGarrah Sharp on how we can work towards mutual understanding in our diverse world


Open Veins of Latin America: Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent by Eduardo Galeano (goodreads.com)
Book on the history of Latin America: Five centuries of the pillage of a continent


Preaching Black Lives (Matter): Preaching Black Lives [Matter] by Gayle Fisher-Stewart (goodreads.com)
A collection of sermons


The Power of Privilege: The Power of Privilege: How White People Can Challenge Racism by June Sarpong (goodreads.com)
A book on how white people can challenge racism


Wellbeing of Women: Home - Wellbeing of Women
A charity who research and campaign on women’s gynaecological and reproductive health


White Tears / Brown Scars: White Tears/Brown Scars: How White Feminism Betrays Women of Color by Ruby Hamad (goodreads.com)
A book on how white feminism betrays women of colour