Disciples of Jesus are called to all sorts of different ministries. We work together as the people of God to discern our callings, ensuring that people’s gifts are able to flourish and that the needs of the Church for the sake of the world are served.
Each Circuit organises itself in the way it believes God is calling, identifying needs and opportunities and exploring the gifts of people. This process of discernment is done collectively and provides the basis for which roles the Circuit has and how these roles are organised.
In some places, Circuits have identified opportunities for lay people to serve in pastoral care and leadership in a role known as Local Lay-Pastor.
If you are considering whether you are called to be a Local Lay-Pastor, the following may help in your journey:
Check out the Vocations section of the Methodist Church’s website
Have a conversation with your minister about the role and the possible opportunities
Read the competencies for the role of a Local Lay-Pastor to see if this sounds like the gifts you have the potential to develop or passion for
Search the internet for advertised Local Lay-Pastor roles and see if the role description matches your gifts and where God might be leading you
Please note that this role is a local role and focused upon the ministry and mission of local Circuits, therefore the only way to apply for a Local Lay-Pastor role is through a local Circuit and not via the Connexional Team.