
We're incredibly grateful to all the people who shared some of the things they've done with schools. These are all great ideas, but remember that they may not be right for your context or the relationship you build with a school - or you may not have the resources or skills and gifts to offer some of these. Remember that every church can do something however small it might seem. It is really important that when partnering with others in our communities, we do not impose our ideas or pursue a particular agenda, but allow possibilities to grow out of conversation. However, these may spark some ideas or make you think in different ways.

Prayer Spaces in Schools
50 Ideas for linking with schools
Supporting RE in your local schools
Churches and schools in partnership
CVE Scotland

Resources shared by individuals

Knitted Bible and Wesley in Wool Schools Pack
Lord's Prayer Day Prayer Stations
Wesley in Schools Pack

Here are some things that churches have been doing with local schools:

  • 'Mentoring - most mentors see 2 or 3 children selected by the school as needing support for pastoral reasons. We have seen 40-50 children over the past 5 years. The head of the behavioural support team says how valuable the mentoring scheme is to them and the children.' Nantwich Methodist Church
  • 'Open the Book assemblies in 5 primary schools, Lunchtime club at the  High School, Primary schools invited to the church for Hope Journey.' Lymm Methodist Church
  • 'Open the Book, The Christmas Journey, The Easter Journey, Prayer Spaces in Schools.' Hinton Methodist Church
  • 'Collective worship; Bible storytelling clubs for mainstream and SENd children; RE teaching; storytelling events; workshops.' Coppenhall Methodist

Further ideas submitted by those who have developed relationships with schools:

  • Lunch time snack and chat. A space to chat with children over lunch - children identified by the school who may need a space to talk
  • Offering to hear readers
  • Prayer spaces
  • Godly Play
  • Working with RE teachers
  • Art projects and one-off events to connect faith with science
  • Life path on John Wesley from Scripture Union
  • Outdoor sessions to help to make a sensory and peace garden space with children involved with the planning talking about their emotions and feelings
  • Assemblies
  • Lego therapy
  • Mentoring
  • OutoftheBox storytelling
  • Easter and Christmas experiences/journeys
  • Mock baptisms and weddings
  • Enabling a visit to church to help support the RE curriculum
  • Being a governor
  • Singing group that goes into school
  • Providing work experience placements
  • Supporting development of social skills and emotional intelligence through small group work
  • Providing mindfulness sessions
  • Helping out with what staff need
  • Helping or providing after-school clubs
  • Support at school events such as sports' day
  • Helping families with accessing reading materials and books

 The Methodist Church is not responsible for any third party content linked to from this website.