If you are discerning that ordained ministry is what God is calling you to, then there are actions you need to take, and support available to you from the church.
This phase of the process is known as Discerning Ordained Vocation 1 (DOV1)
There is an application process. To complete this you must have had a conversation with the leader of the church with which you involved, and their letter of support will be part of your application.
Key dates can be found here
Application and other forms an be downloaded at the end of this page.
You are also advised to read the guidance notes here.
The DOV1 Application forms are now available and applications can be submitted from 1st January 2025 for the next application period.

You will be matched with an Accompanist who will meet with you to help you reflect on the calling, and offer you informed support through the process.
You may be advised to gain some experience by shadowing others in ministry.
You will are strongly advised to begin journaling if you have not before.

You will be invited to attend a retreat in May (see Guidance document G9 for details).
The aim of the retreat is to offer you a skilled, facilitated space to discern deeper your sense of vocation, by the end of which it is hoped you are clearer about your calling.

You will be called to a meet a panel, online, in June (See G9 for details), and the panel will invite you to share your story, and they will offer you advice about your next steps.
This might be advising you to continue in the DOV process, or to take some time through the Explore process to pay deeper attention to how God is inviting you to serve or to explore other forms of ministry.
If you are not already an accredited Local Preacher or Worship Leader, or already in training through the Worship : Leading & Preaching course, then your Superintendent will be asked to assign a mentor and at the point of being recommended at the end of DOV2 you will begin to lead worship.
DOV1 Application forms
DOV1 Application form
DOV1 Equalities and Diversity Monitoring form
DOV1 Covenant with accompanists form
DOV1 Agreed record Accompanists and Applicants