
The Methodist Conference approved a standard stipend of £29,040 for the year commencing 1 September 2023.   The recommended basis of the annual increase will be the average of the increases in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the Average Weekly Earnings Index (AWEI).

Superintendent's Allowance

Superintendent       10% of standard stipend

Details of all allowances can be found in this year's Connexional Allowances Committee Conference report

Lay Employees

In accordance with Conference resolutions, hourly rates paid to all lay employees should be at least the Living Wage rates.

Hourly rates of £12.00 per hour (previously £10.90) in all regions (including Scotland) and £13.15 per hour (previously £11.95) in London.  These rates should be implemented no later than 1st May 2024.

Information on current lay employee rates can be found in the Lay Employment Resource - see section 7 Pay and Pensions.

Please send any queries regarding the Lay Employee Rates to: hr@methodistchurch.org.uk