
Continuing development for Local Preachers and Worship Leaders

As Local Preachers, we are committed to lifelong learning.  We need to continue in developing our understanding and skills in preaching the Word and leading the people of God in worship. 

Continuing development happens in many ways.  Experiences we have, books we read, films we watch can all be opportunities for reflecting on what God is doing in the world, and how we can respond in faith.  We are encouraged to keep a note of the learning we do, and to share some of it with our fellow worship leaders and preachers.  Every three years we have a particular opportunity for doing this as we Review our Ministry - guidelines below.

We also learn from each other through sharing our experiences of preaching and leading.  We are encouraged to share our thoughts and reflections regularly and informally with another preacher in Peer Review - guidance is below.

Local Preachers' Retreat 2024

19th – 21st April 2024 at the Ammerdown Centre near Bath.

A silent retreat with plenty of space for quiet reflection led by Bob Bartindale, Connexional Officer for Worship & Local Preachers.

Oh, how I love your law…? 

As Christians who emphasise God’s love and grace, how can God’s Law be at the centre of our faith?  We shall reflect on law and grace, and on Jesus coming to “fulfil the Law”. There will be time to consider how this might affect our discipleship and calling as Worship Leaders and Local Preachers.

The cost for the weekend (accommodation and full board) is £250.  Booking forms can be downloaded here:

In Word format

In PDF format

Meeting Well

Is it time your Local Preachers' Meeting* had a refresh? 

Here's a flexible outline for you to try:

Listening for God - an outline for your next Local Preachers' Meeting

What is the Local Preachers' Meeting anyway?  What's it really for?  What do we need to do, and what are the possibilities to do things differently?  

Here is a summary, with some suggestions about how we might make the most of the time we spend together:

Meeting Well: Guidelines for Local Preachers' Meetings

Now would be a great time to ask the local preachers and worship leaders in your circuit for their ideas about how you meet in future.  Here are some ideas what questions you could ask:

Meeting Well: Questions to Ask

The Work of God in this Place is a helpful set of devotional resources for use in any church meeting, including Local Preachers' Meetings.  The outlines can be adapted as required to provide opening and closing devotions, and to wrap the whole meeting in worship and prayer:

The Work of God in this Place

*In some circuits, Worship Leaders also take part in these meetings.  The term "Local Preachers' Meeting" includes these meetings too.

Bible Month

Bible Month offers a wide range of possibilities for engaging with the Bible individually and together.  The book for 2023 is Revelation and the resources can be ordered from LWPT here

A simplified version of of the notes (in monochrome with no illustrations) will be available shortly.  The notes for Isaiah can be downloaded here:

B&W Version of Study Notes (Pdf)

A wide range of supporting resources and activities are provided by the Learning Network,see the Bible Month page.

CLPD Session Plans

Of-the-shelf plans for use in Local Preachers' Meeting.  Each session is designed to take around an hour, but all can be adapted to suit your meeting.

Creation Care - A Biblical Imperative

Why do we care about creation?  Dr Ruth Bancewicz of the Faraday Institute helps us explore what the Bible has to say about our relationship with the whole of the created world.

Worshipping Biblically in a Climate Emergency

How do we worship faithfully and biblically in a time of unprecedented and threatening climate change? Dr. Richard Baker provides some ideas to get us started.

A Methodist Way of Life and Worship

A session plan by Revd Dr Roger Walton with activities and discussion ideas relating a Methodist Way of Life to our worship leading and preaching.

A Methodist Way of Life / Bible Month on Mark's Gospel

Helpful discussion-starters grouped around the four areas of Our Calling, highly appropriate for connecting MWoL with the current lectionary gospel.

A Great Cloud of Witnesses

A session plan by Revd Dr Tim Woolley looking at three preachers from our Methodist story.  How do their stories connect to ours?  Prepare to be inspired!

Positive Working Together

The Positive Working Together guidelines provide resources to resist bullying and harrassment and promote a culture of positive working.  How can we as preachers and worship leaders influence the culture of church positively through our reflection on scripture and faith?  Gary Hopkins' session plan offers some ideas.

Preaching Peace & Justice

Justice and peace are at the heart of the gospel message.  But how can we engage with these issues in our preaching with integrity?  This session, produced in association with JPIT, explores some ideas for engaging with the issues in the worship we lead.

Sharing our Story - including testimony in worship

Methodists have always encouraged each other by sharing our experiences of faith and life.  How do we encourage this to happen in our worship?  This session by Revd Paul Wood and Revd Ian Worsfold provides a chance to try out a range of ideas that might work in the churches in your circuit.

Worship & Whole-life Discipleship

As Christians, we seek to live for Jesus wherever we are, whatever we do.  Here's a session by Ed Mackenzie and Tony Moodie focussing on how to connect the worship we lead to the life we live as disciples of Jesus.

Local Preachers' Accountability and Review

Since the 2018 Conference, Local Preachers are required to "review their ministry" every three years.  These two Guidance Notes explain what is required of us, and how peer review can become a helpful part of our continuing development as local preachers:

LP Guidance Note - Reviewing our Ministry 

LP Guidance Note - Peer Review