
WLP Training and Events

Training opportunities for WLP students, tutors, mentors and local preachers' secretaries

WLP Online Induction

For students, mentors and tutors

All newly-enrolled students, tutors and mentors on the WLP course are invited to sign up for a 90 minute Zoom session introducing WLP and how it works. Sessions take place monthly, alternating between Wednesday evening and Friday afternoons.

Sessions are available from September 2024 through to July 2025.

Book your WLP Online Induction via Eventbrite here.

WLP Study Skills for Students

For students

Do you feel nervous about studying on the WLP course?  If you haven't done any formal study for a long time, or your previous experiences of study have been negative, this four session online course may help:

Session 1: Who am I as a learner? - Wednesday 6th November 2024, 7:30-9pm

Exploring our own preferences and needs and how to make the most of our strengths and cope with our weaknesses.

Session 2: Practicalities of learning - Wednesday 13th November 2024, 7:30-9pm

Suggestions for making the most of the WLP course, including taking notes, using the "Module Reader", and how projects are completed and assessed.

Session 3: Critical Thinking & Theological Reflection - Wednesday 20th November 2024, 7:30-9pm

Introducing two important skills which lie at the heart of the WLP course. We will work through some examples of using them in practice.

Session 4: Getting to grips with Exegesis - Wednesday 27th November 2024, 7:30-9pm

Looking at different ways of reading and understanding the text of the Bible.

Book for WLP Study Skills sessions via Eventbrite here.

WLP Explore Online

For students

WLP Explore Online provides an alternative way to do the Explore group sessions for each module online.

For more information, click here for the dedicated Explore Together page.

WLP Skills for Tutors & Mentors

For tutors and mentors

A reflective series of six sessions examining different aspects of the Tutor and Mentor roles. Whether you're a new or experienced Tutor or Mentor, there will be something to learn from these sessions.

You are welcome to come to one, several or all of the sessions, but please book for each one separately via Eventbrite by clicking on the sessions below. Further links will be added as booking for the sessions becomes available:

Session 1: Who's in my Group? - Wednesday 25th September 2024, 7-9 pm

Session 2: Feedback for Growth - Wednesday 6th November 2024, 7-9 pm

Session 3: Exegesis with Students - Wednesday 29th January 2025, 7-9 pm

Session 4: Self Assessment for Tutors  - Wednesday 5th March 2025, 7-9 pm

Session 5: Working with students who have Dyslexia, Dyspraxia or Dyscalculia - Wednesday 28th May 2025, 7-9pm

Session 6: Working with students who have ADHD or Autism - Wednesday 2nd July 2025, 7-9pm

Drop-In Sessions for Local Preachers' Secretaries

For local preachers' secretaries

An opportunity to share ideas and issues with others in this role. Each session will have some input on a particular topic from the Learning Network, and some informal time to chat. Come along as often as you wish and bring your ideas:

Thursday 17th October 2024, 7:30-9pm

Tuesday 22nd October 2024, 2-3:30pm

Thursday 20th February 2025, 7:30-9pm

Tuesday 25th February 2025, 2-3:30pm

Thursday 5th June 2025, 7:30-9pm

Tuesday 10th June 2025, 2-3:30pm

Equality, Diversity, Inclusion (EDI) Training

For everyone

The Methodist Conference in 2021 agreed that those in key roles in the church (including Ministers, Local Preachers, Circuit and Church Stewards) should undertake some mandatory EDI training. 

Worship Leaders are not required yet to undertake the training, but we hope that many will choose to do it because equality, diversity and inclusion are not just legal requirements but vital to our discipleship and mission, including the leading of worship. 

The required training is the EDI training module.  Full details are on the EDI Training webpage which you can find by following this link: Mandatory EDI training 

You will see some FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) here: EDI training FAQs 

Bible Month Training & Events

For all resources and training opportunities related to Bible Month, go to the Bible Month page.