
The chaplaincy forum connects organisations and chaplaincy areas together to support the development of chaplaincy across Britain. This page provides information about current members of the forum. There are several ways people are connected to the forum:

  • Members of the Connexional Team whose work involves or may link with chaplaincy.
  • Organisations and ecumenical partners that have a significant role in the development of chaplaincy across Britain.
  • Individual chaplains who have applied to be on the forum to represent particular chaplaincy areas.

If you are interested in connecting with the forum, please contact Gary Hopkins, who convenes the forum as part of his role supporting chaplaincy in the Methodist Church. Individuals who apply to be representatives on the forum follow this role outline

Members of the Chaplaincy Forum

Holly Adams
Connexional Team, Evangelism and Growth

Geoff Bond
Learning Network

Tony Brookes
Representing Healthcare Chaplains

Melvina Brown
Representing Community/Pioneer Chaplains

Sarah Lane Cawte
Free Churches Group, Education

David Chawner
Sports Chaplaincy UK

Sarah Clarke
Church Mission Society

Jeff Conklin-Miller
Cliff College

Michael Cronogue
Representing Blue Light Chaplaincy

Bridget Down
Learning Network

Debbie Ducille
Anna Chaplaincy

Leon Dundas
Representing Healthcare Chaplains

Barbara Easton
Methodist Academies and Schools Trust

Kerry Halliday
Representing Later Life Chaplains

Mike Haslam
National Church of England Chaplaincy Development Leads Network
Centre for Chaplaincy in Education

Sarah Hulme
Connexional Team, Rural Mission and Ministry

Elaine Hutchinson
Representing Retail/Workplace Chaplains

Dick Johnson
Workplace Chaplaincy Mission UK

Melvyn Kelly
Representing Higher Education Chaplains

Richard Kirlew
Agricultural Chaplains Association

Phil Maltby
Connexional Team/Methodist Forces Board

David Newlove
Representing Agricultural/Rural Chaplains

Mark Newitt
Free Churches Group, Healthcare

Meg Prowting
Connexional Team, Children, Youth and Families

Nigel Roberts
Saltley Trust

Nimilote Rokotoro
Representing Healthcare Chaplains

Sally Rush
Learning Network and Newman University Chaplaincy Course Lecturer

Andrew Stobart
Cliff College

Philip Turner
Representing Healthcare Chaplains

Chris Upton
Waterways Chaplaincy

Stuart Watkin
Learning Network

Bob Wilson
Free Churches Group, Prisons