
Our role

The overall aim of the Learning Network is to support, encourage and inspire Methodist people in all aspects of Our Calling as together we seek to be an inclusive, justice seeking, evangelistic and growing church.

Sharing responsibility with others within the Connexional Team and key stakeholders within the districts, circuits and churches, the Learning Network works primarily with lay and ordained church leaders, equipping them as they in turn seek to equip all God’s people.

You can subscribe to our monthly Learning and Development Newsletter here.

Learning & Development Officers within the team bring a diverse range of skills, experience and specialist knowledge in ministry and mission. A team of six Learning and Development Managers work closely with the Head of Ministries and Learning to direct the work of the network, with support from the Senior Administrator.

You can access the team information including the aligned districts here

The work of the Learning Network is developed from what comes out of the Conference, either directly or together with other parts of the Connexional Team, and what comes up from the grassroots across the wider church. We work together connexionally to equip and resource the Church through a wide range of relevant learning and development opportunities.


Richard Armiger

Head of Ministries and Learning
Contact Richardarmigerr@methodistchurch.org.uk | 020 7467 5295

Funmi Oyedokun

Funmi Oyedokun

Senior Administrator for Learning & Development
Contact Funmi | oyedokunf@methodistchurch.org.uk | 020 7467 3533 

Learning Network Managers

Lorraine Darlow

Lorraine Darlow 

Learning & Development Manager
Contact Lorraine | darlowl@methodistchurch.org.uk | 07799 900471 

Delyth Wyn Davies

Delyth Wyn Davies

Learning & Development Manager
Contact Delyth | daviesd@methodistchurch.org.uk | 07799 902576

Rachel McCallam

Rachel McCallam

Learning & Development Manager
Contact Rachel | mccallamr@methodistchurch.org.uk | 07799 900478

Alison Ransome

Alison Ransome

Learning & Development Manager
Contact Alison | ransomea@methodistchurch.org.uk | 07799 900474

Tricia Mitchell

Tricia Mitchell

Learning & Development Manager
Contact Tricia | mitchellt@methodistchurch.org.uk |
07799 900454

Katie Deadman-Vernall

Katie Deadman-Vernall

Learning & Development Manager
Contact Katie | deadmank@methodistchurch.org.uk  |
07799 902571