A collection of learning opportunities for WLP students and others involved in worship.
WLP Online Induction: For Students, Tutors and Mentors
This is an orientation session to which all local preachers and worship leaders starting out on the course are invited, along with their tutors and mentors. It is helpful if student, tutor and mentor attend together.
During the 90-minute online session, we look at the basics of LP and WL training and the WLP course itself, project work and assessment. We also take a tour of the virtual learning environment used to deliver the course to help students and tutors become familiar with that platform.
WLP Local Preachers’ Secretaries Drop-In sessions
Periodic, informal opportunities to meet with other LP Secretaries from around the Connexion to share ideas and concerns.
This 90-minute Zoom meeting includes short introductions to topics of interest, time for informal discussion and time for a Q&A.
WLP Study Skills for Students
Are you feeling nervous or over-awed at the prospect of studying on the WLP course? Maybe you haven't done any formal study for a long time, or your previous experiences of study have been negative.
This four-session course will help new students setting out on the WLP programme to be equipped with the tools needed to get the most from your study.
- Session 1: Who am I as a learner? Exploring our own preferences and needs and how to make the most of our strengths and cope with our weaknesses. Overcoming barriers to learning and coping with the unexpected.
- Session 2: Practicalities of learning Planning time and space; getting organised; suggestions for taking notes; getting the most from the ‘reader’ and understanding the assessed tasks (project briefs).
- Session 3: Critical thinking & theological reflection Introducing these two important skills and working through some examples of using them
- Session 4: Getting to grips with exegesis Working through the model of exegesis introduced in Module 2 of the course and having a go together.
WLP Further Skills for Tutors
A reflective series for tutors (and mentors) designed to share wisdom from experienced practitioners and tutors in adult education and WLP. You are welcome to come to one, many or all six sessions. Please book each one separately.
- Session 1: Who’s in your group? Introduces us to the idea of learning styles and helps us to understand the strengths and weaknesses that each student brings.
- Session 2: Feedback for growth Thinking about the structure of good feedback; the language we use to celebrate what is good and how to address areas of work that need improvement.
- Session 3: Exegesis with students A practical session using the model of exegesis outlined in Module Section 2.1 and used on the Service Planning and Reflection Form that outlines the method and the reasoning behind the questions asked.
- Session 4: Self-assessment for tutors How do we cope with feedback on our tutor/mentor skills? What are your communication preferences/learning preferences/teaching style? How do these play out in your interactions with students?
- Session 5: Supporting students with dyslexia, dyspraxia or dyscalculia This event is ideal for tutors and mentors looking to enhance their skills in supporting students living with Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Dyscalculia.
- Session 6: Supporting students with autism and ADHD/ADD This event is perfect for tutors and mentors looking to enhance their skills in supporting students living with a form of neurodiversity.
WLP Explore online
A key part of the WLP course is the opportunity to come together and share in learning. In reality, many students find that they are the only person studying in their circuit and it is not always possible to be a part of a group locally.
Explore Online covers each of the three sessions from one module on Friday evening and Saturday. This enables students to come together with other learners across the Connexion and discuss the Explore materials of the course. Please note that students must have already completed their own study of the Learn material before the sessions, which are interactive and will not be recorded.
Modules are delivered on an annual cycle, with sessions held quarterly. This commences with Modules 1 and 5 in November, Modules 2 and 6 in February, Modules 3 and 7 in May and Modules 4 and 8 in July. Note that it is only possible to complete one module in a weekend.
Click here to book any of these courses or visit the WLP pages for more information.
Working out Worship
Are you involved with organising, planning, or leading worship?
Join one or all of our Zoom sessions on 'Working out Worship'. Each session focuses on an element of worship, key aspects in facilitating worship, and a variety of styles and approaches to leading worship. You can attend as an individual or as a group with other stewards, worship leaders, preachers or contributors to your worship context.
Local Arrangements
This session considers the simple steps of planning a service, different aspects and approaches to worship and signposts some fantastic resources.
Creative Worship
This session aims to deepen understanding of the creative nature of God and explore how creativity is used to connect the senses to God.
Intergenerational Worship
This session explores what it means to be an intergenerational church, to worship intergenerationally, signposts some useful resources and considers how to be inclusive and engaging in all that we do.
Practice What you Preach
This session will help you further develop your newly-learned skills. Whether you want to develop extemporary prayer or reflective prayer spaces, use creative ideas for small groups or get support for planning worship with larger congregations.
You can register for one or more of the sessions, and feed in your particular interests and needs so facilitators can include as much variety as is possible.
Click here to book.