
Standard Form of Accounts

All churches should prepare annual accounts. The Standard Form of Accounts is to assist churches, circuits and districts in preparation of their annual accounts. 

All church annual accounts should be audited or independently examined by an auditor or independent examiner, (in some cases with appropriate qualifications) appointed by the church council (not the treasurer).

In England and Wales all Methodist churches, circuits and districts with a gross annual income of over £100,000 per annum need to register with the Charity Commission. See Charity Registration

There are two standard forms of accounts that can be used.

  1. Receipts and Payments - this should be used for those churches, circuits or districts when gross annual income is less than £250k. Gross income is the total receipts recorded in the statement of accounts from all sources, excluding the receipt of any endowment, loans and proceeds from the sale of investments or fixed assets
  2. Accrual Based Accounts - this should be used for those churches, circuits or districts whose gross annual income is greater than £250k


For Churches

Receipts and Payments

Standard Form of Accounts 2024 (Normal)
(For churches whose gross annual income is less than £250k)

PDF | Excel  

Guidance notes for Churches Receipts and Payments (Normal)

Standard Form of Accounts 2024 - (short form)
(This can be used where there are no restricted or endowment fund, also where the criteria in paragraph one of the form above is met)

PDF Excel 

Guidance notes for Churches Receipts and Payments (Short Form)

Accrual Based Accounts 
(For churches whose gross annual income is greater than £250k)

Church SOFA Balance Sheet Template Accruals Accounts FRS102_2024 (xls) 

Notes to Complete Church Forms for Accruals (PDF)

Church Declarations and Scrutiny 2024  (Word doc)

Exemplar Church Accounts (accrual basis) (PDF)

For Circuits

Receipts and Payments

Standard Form of Accounts for Circuit 2024
(For Circuits with a gross income (excluding capital receipts) of up to £250k during the financial year).

PDF | Excel 

Guidance notes for Circuit Receipts and Payments 

Accrual Based Accounts 
(For circuits with a gross income (excluding capital receipts) greater than £250k during the financial year)

Circuit SOFA Balance Sheet Template Accruals Accounts FRS102_2024 (xls)

Circuit Declarations and Scrutiny 2024 (Word doc)

Notes to the Accounts Circuit Exemplar (PDF) 

Notes to the Accounts Circuit Exemplar (Word)

Suggested Framework For A Circuit Annual Report (Word doc)

Summary of Cash & Investments
(For both Receipts & Payments and Accruals based Accounts)



The following additional forms & documents may also be useful when preparing accounts

(Please select & download the forms you require)

Sample Letter of Engagement for an independent examiner


Reserves Policy Guidelines

DOC 61 KB 

Reserves Policy Report Form (Word doc)

Related Parties

MC Related Party Transactions Template (Word doc)
(for Churches, Circuits and Districts)

BEH Related Party Transaction Exemplar (Word doc)

District Advance Fund (Word)

Accounting for Fixed Assets (Word)

Accounting for Disposals and Redundant Properties (Word.doc)

Determining Gross Income (Word)

Treatment of Chapels (land and buildings) in Accounts:  The Normative Approach (Word doc)

Internal Organisations - definitions & guidance

Internal Organisation Report Form (xls)

Accounting for the Costs of Manses & Ministers (Word doc)

Exemplar Accounting Policies and Notes to the Accounts (Word doc)

ACAT-Checklist (SORP 2015) for smaller charities (Word doc) 

Submission of SFA

We do not provide the deadline date on the website as we do not determine this. 

Churches must submit their returns to the 'meeting of the church trustees' who then submit the returns to the Circuit meeting. 

The Circuit meetings then submit the returns to the Districts for submission at the District Policy Committee.

It is up to these committees to determine the deadlines for submission of their accounts.

Advice and Help

If you require help in completing the forms, you should contact your Circuit or District Treasurer who should be able to offer advice.

You can also contact the Reporting Team in the Finance Department for help and advice. Tel: 020 7467 3760