
What is Worship: Leading & Preaching?

Worship: Leading & Preaching is the authorised training course for Worship Leaders and Local Preachers in the Methodist Church.  It is designed to equip us for mission and ministry in a changing world, and to embrace new ways of being a church, new technologies and innovative ways of learning.

We aim to enable people from all backgrounds to develop the understanding and the skills they need to lead worship and speak of God in ways that are relevant and appropriate.  Our calling as worship leaders and local preachers is to proclaim the love of God in Christ Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Enrolment for students, tutors and mentors

Students, mentors and tutors of local preachers and worship leaders in training need to be formally enrolled on the Worship: Leading and Preaching course.  The enrolment process starts by the Local Preachers' Secretary completing a Local Preacher Return Form.  More details, including the form itself, are available on the LP Secretaries' page here.  Local Preachers should be enrolled on the course as soon as they receive their Note to Preach from their Local Preachers' Meeting.

When the Return Form is received by the Local Preachers' office, we will complete the enrolment, update our records of students, tutors and mentors, and send a welcome email to those newly enrolled.  The email will contain a request to change your password within a specified time.

Enrolment as a student, tutor or mentor entitles you to access not only the core course material on the W:LP website, but also the "Module Reader" which comprises a library of useful reading resources.  These are all under copyright control, for which we pay an annual licence fee per enrolled user - hence the need to keep a full record of current users.

Guest Access

We encourage anyone to make use of the online course materials, which contain a wealth of great resources and ideas for LP Meetings, Bible studies, class meetings and small groups.  To see the course materials, go to https://elearning.methodist.org.uk/.

If you wish to take a look at WLP 3.0 without enrolling, go to the course website and log in with the username guestwlp3 and password Guest-wlp3.  Remember to check the capital letters and punctuation.  With guest access, you will be able to see the Worship, Learn and Explore material.  However, you won't be able to see the Project Workspace, as this is set up specifically for those who enrol as students or tutors.  Nor will you see the Module Library, which is only accessible to those enrolled on the course.

How does Worship: Leading & Preaching work?

W:LP is based on blended learning, uses a wide variety of media and is designed to be flexible for people to use in whatever the circumstances of their busy lives.  The course can be delivered in many ways, and circuits and districts are encouraged to find appropriate ways to support their students through their learning.  The Learning Network in each region is also available to provide support and advice.

Three principles underpin the course:

  • Student-centred - the student is responsible for their own learning (accompanied by their tutor) and for engaging with the course in ways that are most appropriate to their context.
  • Reflective practice - the course aims to develop in the student the habits of theological reflection which will serve them throughout their ministry.  The aim is not to teach (and examine) a fixed body of knowledge.
  • Portfolio assessed - students compile a portfolio to demonstrate their progress in learning.  This is locally assessed by their tutor.  There is no "marking" of assignments, and no grades are issued.  The student progresses when all assessment criteria are agreed to have been met.

Useful documents

Training Process for Local Preachers - This comprehensive table describing the complete training process for Local Preachers was updated in January 2019.

Appointment and Training of a Worship Leader - This document shows the processes and steps from someone offering themselves to be a worship leader to becoming fully commissioned.

Circuit Interviews for Persons on Trial - A newly revised version of this familiar document updated to account for changes due to Worship: Leading & Preaching as well as adding some Appreciative Enquiry techniques. The original guidance that relates closely with Faith & Worship can be found here:

Accredited Prior Experience and Learning (APEL)

Exemptions to certain parts of the Worship: Leading & Preaching course may be granted in exceptional circumstances for to students who have relevant prior experience or learning.

The process for APEL and an application form can be downloaded here.

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding access to the course, enrolment or any other issue relating to training,  please email localpreachers@methodistchurch.org.uk