
Key Documents

These are the essential guides for students and all involved with Worship: Leading & Preaching

Guide to Portfolios

Guide to Learning

Guide for Tutors & Mentors

In WLP, portfolios are built and assessed entirely online in an area of the student's account called the Project Workspace.

Here are two step-by-step guides for students and their tutors on using the Project Workspace:

Project Workspace - Student's Guide

Project Workspace - Tutor's Guide

Service Planning & Feedback

Every quarter, your circuit will arrange for someone to be present at a service you are leading, to provide feedback to you and to report to the meeting on your progress. 

You should use the Service Planning & Reflection Form as you prepare and we recommend that you have a conversation with your Mentor so that you can reflect on this service together. 

You can of course ask for feedback on your leading of worship and preaching at any time - this is good practive for all Worship Leaders and Local Preachers and ontributes to our continuing development.

You can download the Word versions of the Service Planning Reflection Form and two alternative feedback forms here:

Word versions - these can also be printed and completed by hand

Service Planning & Reflection Form

Worship & Preaching Feedback Form

Congregation Feedback Form

PDF versions, mainly for users of Apple devices

Service Planning & Reflection Form

Worship & Preaching Feedback Form

Congregation Feedback Form

Guidance on use of forms:

The Word versions are provided mainly for users of Microsoft Windows devices but may also work on Android and other devices.  The editable PDF (.pdf) version is mainly for use with Apple devices. 

Although we try to test these on a variety of devices. we cannot guarantee that any of these will work on your particular device.  

If you encounter problems, try printing the form and completing it by hand, perhaps writing your responses or notes on the back of each printed page.

Alternatively, you can create your own document using your preferred program (Word, Pages, Open Office etc.).

Quarterly Assessed Services

Here is some guidance for all those involved with arranging the quarterly assessed services:

Assessed Services for those On Trial

The following table can be used to keep a record of the variety of experience of a WL or LP through their training:

Worship Record Sheet