Mission happens when people connect to people. Our People 2 People programmes cover movements of people to and from Britain and twinning programmes that help connect Methodist church in Britain with our partners around the world.
CIEMAL Evangelists in Britain
Fabio Vilela is the first participant in Britain of a programme in partnership with the Council of Evangelical Latin American and Caribbean Methodist Churches (CIEMAL). Watch the video to hear his story in an interview with Sandra Lopez, Partnership Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean.
The CIEMAL Evangelist Programme is designed to facilitate the sending of evangelists from Latin America and the Caribbean to work with Methodist Districts in Britain and share their experiences and expertise. You can read more about the programme here or contact gr.admin@methodistchurch.org.uk for information on how your district can get involved.
During the COVID-19 lock down the Cumbria District have continued to stay in close contact with the Church in Argentina through their twinning relationship. Although they have not been able to travel, they have shared in devotional videos, prayer and Facebook exchanges. Read more about how they have done that here.
Both the Church in Argentina and in Cumbria have found encouragement in this relationship. Watch the video of their joint service in English and Spanish below,
Visit our twinning pages to learn more and how to get involved.
Encounter Worldwide
Bill and Renate were in Tonga from September 2019-March 2020, based at the Theological College. Read more about their experience here.
"We arrived at Sia'atoutai Theological College, Tonga. We were quite overwhelmed with people's generosity and the Tongan capacity for putting on a feast."

Listen to Tiana who share's her experience of Encounter Worldwide.
Tiana was based in Buenos Aires, Argentine, working with CREAS, an ecumenical social justice organisation operating across Latin America.
Encounter Together
Group visits can be a way to encounter culture and learn about faith in a different context. Our eyes can be opened and we see the world in a new way, sharing that experience with others and bringing what we have learnt back to our home. Encounter Together visits happen in a variety of ways.
Global Mission Fellows

God's mission involves everyone everywhere and the Global Mission Fellow programme sees young people from Britain serve in other countries and it brings young people from other countries to serve in Britain. This is a programme of the United Methodist Church that is open to Young British Methodists. Learn more here.
Read a reflection from Sopha Touch on his time at Wesley's Chapel as a Global Mission Fellow.
The Revd Jenny Dyer used her period of sabbatical as a minister to visit and work with the Church in North India. She gave us an interview about her experiences.
If you would like to know more about any of our People 2 People programmes please get in touch with us at gr.admin@methodistchurch.org.uk