Keith and Ida Waddell

Keith and Ida Waddell are originally from Scotland but have been based in Mwandi, Zambia since July 2004, with their children, Mubita and Catriona.
Keith is a teacher at Mwandi Basic School; Ida is a nurse working predominantly in HIV/AIDS care. All Mission Partners are financed through the World Mission Fund, to give your support click here.
Contact details
Mwandi UCZ Mission
Box 60693
Blog: and
Keith and Ida wrote this letter in July 2021 as a statement expressing their concerns regarding the UK government international aid cuts and in support of the campaign for vaccine equity. Read more here
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• Some Lozi Relatives
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• Food to the Hungry
• Is Lozi closer to Tswana or Southern Sotho?
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• Zambian Budget
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• ARV Shortage
• Dishonest Poverty
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•...And through him to reconcile to himself all things..Col 1:20
• Dialogue
• Living Abundantly
• Cost of Free Education
• Food for Thought
• Uranium Mining
• December 2011
• New Church at Mubumbu
• Reflections on International AIDS Day 2011
• September 2011
• Zambia Elections 2011
• Life and Death 2011
• June 2011
• Jesus is Big, May 2011
• Sharing the Burden, May 2011
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Q & A's with Keith and Ida
What has been your greatest challenge?
Keith: I think one of the greatest challenges living and working here in Zambia is permanently undergoing the process of acculturation but it is amazing how our faith helps us to reconcile at times hostile and competing cultures, taking the best from Western, Eastern and African and making it fit for the Kingdom of God, as Christ brought reconciliation between Jew and Greek.
Ida: It's difficult for a Mission Hospital not to take on the same selfish perspectives from the secular world. What makes a Christian hospital different is that everything we do is to the glory of God, the healing, the nursing and the care. Each member of staff needs some sense of calling and that they are expected to work beyond the strict letter of the job description. This is not striking at professionalism but as brothers and sisters in Christ, the world's love of rank, title and distinction should have little place amongst us. Such desires display evidence of a lack of satisfaction in one's work, with a resulting overemphasis on monetary gain. Hierarchy and job titles become more important than the simple joy of nursing and the care or treatment of those suffering or in need. In being encouraged and motivated in these things our witness is enlightened and deepened by the gospel in which we believe.
What impact do you feel you have made?
Keith: One's impact can be quite easily quantified, there are two complete buildings standing and one under construction now where was only bush before! However, it is all too simplistic to gauge your impact in bricks and mortar, for there is certainly a qualitative and spiritual aspect to your life here encountered in your daily witnessing and fellowship with others. This is much more difficult to assess, it is perhaps best answered by the people you live and work with here.
Ida: My greatest impact has been being able to bring AIDS Relief with their ARV medications and their care programme to this community. There are now over 2000 people on the programme. We are offering hope now to people living with HIV/AIDS whereas before the Mission Hospital was the place where you came to die.
How do you think God is guiding you in your work?
Keith: We know that God called us here to Mwandi and our sense of mission is daily strengthened by God's grace and providence. Offering ourselves and our gifts is challenging and rewarding but also receiving from others enables us to see what God is doing in our lives and in the lives of those around us. It is through offering and receiving in service to God that we make a difference.
Ida: We often have to step out in faith here. I try to have a set time for a daily devotion and at different times throughout the day when prompted I will pray and listen. My work and walk with the Lord are difficult to separate. Living in an isolated rural community with little resources you come to rely on God and work in and through him as you are energized by the Holy Spirit. It is amazing when you look back and see what has been achieved, and you see what God has done through you.
What has surprised you most of all?
Keith: What surprises me most of all is that God can take ordinary everyday people like ourselves, with our all too human frailties, from all over the world and bind us together as his body to carry out our witness and service to the world as a provisional demonstration of what God intends for all of humanity.