Junior Mission for All (JMA) enables children to learn about and support the mission of the Church in a fun, creative and engaging way.
It shares the insights of God's people all over the world with children in our churches.
As part of the Methodist Church’s mission programme, JMA encourages Children and young people raise funds to support the Methodist Church’s World Mission Fund and Mission in Britain Fund.
Caring for those around us, globally
As Methodists, we believe in learning and caring as part of our discipleship.
The Methodist Way of Life commitment for Learning and Caring includes that 'We will care for ourselves and people around us'.
We are part of a global Methodist community and there are plenty of opportunities for us to support the Church whether that’s in prayer, the giving of our time or the giving of our money.
The World Mission Fund (WMF) supports projects and individuals around the world and this work is only made possible by kind donations.

Resources for Connexional Year 2024/2025
- JMA Commissioning Service
- JMA 2024 badges
- JMA saving box PDF to 'make your own' box
- JMA stickers
- World Mission Fund posters
Please note, there are no black and white versions of the downloadable documents this year. However, most printers are able to print in black and white, so check your settings when you go to print.
You can order hard copies of the certificates and prayer card from Methodist Publishing.
As the Methodist Church is committed to the environment, why not make your own JMA Saving box by reusing, recycling or repurposing material from your home to make a new box. And using the new JMA stickers to decorate it.
Order JMA resources from Methodist Publishing
To receive our JMA newsletter and keep up-to-date with JMA news, please sign up here.
The JMA work continues. You are part of a global Methodist community.