
“One of the best online trainings I have attended.” “So many ideas! Where to begin!”

2023-2024 survey feedback

Dreaming Beyond and Positively Rural are two online communities seeking to support those who serve in rural churches, and others involved in rural mission. They are open to anyone of any denomination involved in rural mission and ministry, including volunteers, lay workers and ordained.

Dreaming Beyond

Dreaming Beyond is an online space for people passionate about mission with small and/or rural churches. In the Autumn, the community meets to hear stories of mission being done in exciting and new ways. In the Spring, the community re-gathers to reflect upon the learning and developments in mission since the Autumn gathering.

Click here to book.

Positively Rural

Positively Rural usually meets four times each Connexional year to support mission and ministry within a rural context. Within this ecumenical gathering, time is taken to explore a range of topics pertinent to rural church and communities, to share experiences, ask questions, and explore new resources and approaches.

Click here to book.

Find more information on supporting rural churches and to sign up for courses and webinars.