Opportunities to learn more about and get the most from supervision
New to Reflective Supervision
Essential skills and information for first time supervisees. During our time together, we’ll explore what supervision is, why it matters and how to get the most out of it so you’re fully prepared for your first session. This event is highly practical, offering you a chance to experience skills used in supervision, and to see a live demonstration. There are some preliminary tasks ahead of the online gathered session.
Refreshing Supervision
Helping supervisees get the most out of reflective supervision This session is designed to help you get what you need out of the supervision process by looking at ways to stimulate ideas to bring to supervision, refreshing your understanding of the purposes and methods of supervision and providing space to observe and reflect on live supervision
Continuing Development of Supervisors
A library of nine different courses offered twice throughout the connexional year.
- Using creative methods in reflective supervision
- Working effectively with agreed records in reflective supervision
- Supervision of supervision
- Additional models
- Balancing support and challenge in reflective supervision y
- What makes online supervision good?
- Supervising cross-culturally
- Listening theologically in reflective supervision
- Soul, role and context
A calendar of these events and courses, and links to information and booking, can be found here.