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Evangelism and justice: a worship service

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Drawing on Jesus' parable of the great dinner, this act of worship invites people to explore how evangelism and justice are key elements of Christian discipleship that cannot be separated. Each informs and supports the other, and both are part of God’s mission.

The writers say: "All Christians – not just some – are called to listen for, speak of, and live out the good news of God’s love in Jesus. This is the love that transforms the world, bringing peace, joy and generosity. And this transformation is God’s justice in action – which brings good news to the oppressed, binds up the broken-hearted, and proclaims liberty to the captives. As we speak and live the good news, the world is transformed. And as the world is transformed, the good news is spread further still. So evangelism and justice are inseparable, and each fuels the other."