
In terms of funding opportunities, we would recommend the following:

Further Resources

The National Churches Trust (NCT) website has a section on how to fundraise for your project. This includes advice on creating a budget, ideas for local fundraising, applying for grants and how to use online and text giving.

The Institute of Fundraising offers plenty of advice and resources on all aspects of fundraising. 

Giving to Heritage was the Heritage Alliance’s training programme for fundraisers in the heritage sector. Although the initiative has ended, the website still provides guidance on a range of topics such as ‘Making the case for support’, ‘Major donor fundraising’, ‘Corporate partnership’, ‘Using digital and social media’, ‘Crowdfunding’, ‘Community Shares’ and Social investment’. You can also watch webinars where people talk about they raised funds for their particular project including places of worship. 

The Voluntary and community sector (VCS) infrastructure organisation can provide vital support for voluntary organisations and community groups in the form of advice on setting up new projects as well as information on available local grants and support in the application process.  NAVCA (National Association for Voluntary and Community Action) is the national voice of local support and development organisations and their directory will help you identify your local organisations. 

The ChurchBuild website looks at the range of different types of fundraising. 

The Directory of Social Change offers fundraising training, online resources, publications and events as well as undertaking bespoke research.

Catalyst Cymru (part of the Welsh Council for Voluntary Action) provides a useful website for heritage fundraising at 

The Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) toolkit, Fundraising Fundamentals is intended to help charities put the foundations in place for an effective fundraising strategy. 

Chapter 10 Raising the Funds from Crossing the Threshold toolkit.   


How to: Fundraise from private sources (2014) is part of The Prince’s Regeneration Trust’s innovative education programme BRICK (Building Resources, Investment and Community Knowledge). It offers the tools and knowledge necessary to set up and deliver a sustainable fundraising strategy, focusing on attracting funding from private sources. It covers a number of fundraising methods which may be useful for your project, including: community fundraising, friends groups, major donor fundraising, Gift Aid, legacies, corporate partnerships, crowdfunding and online fundraising. 

Grow Your Church’s Income: A guide to securing long-term financial health by Maggie Durran (Canterbury Press, Norwich 2011, ISBN13:9781848250390) UK Church Fundraising Handbook by Maggie Durran (Canterbury Press Norwich, 2010 (new edition), ISBN: 978-184825002-4)

A practical Manual and Directory of Sources. Fundraising for a Community Project by Simon Whaley (How to Books, 2007, ISBN: 978 184528174-8) 

Fund Raising for Churches by Jane Grieve. Aimed at all churches, this book takes the most effective methods of fundraisers and shows how they can be used and adapted specifically for Christian churches. (1999, ISBN-13: 9780281050581). Only available on Amazon.