
Everyone is Welcome | Accessibility and 3Generate

3Generate diversity statement:

3Generate seeks to embed diversity and inclusivity throughout the 3Generate process and wider ministry with and amongst children, young people and young adults.  We are committed to equity, equality, respect and inclusion for all children, young people and adults. We all have a role to play, to embed a culture of inclusivity and diversity in all we do and facilitate. 

As part of our commitment to diversity and inclusion we work directly with group leaders to ensure that the accommodation (tents, beds, showers etc) is exactly what each delegate needs in order for the event to be truly accessible.

Welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.  (Romans 15:7)

At 3Generate we believe that God has made each of us unique and wants all of us to be able to play our part in God's kingdom. We therefore aim to make all our events and activities as accessible as possible for individuals with additional needs to lead, volunteer, share and participate. Additional needs are wide-ranging and can include anything that impacts upon someone’s ability to participate in the activities they do day-to-day. This can include physical needs, learning needs, mental health needs and undiagnosed needs.

We work closely with Growing Hope to constantly improve our accessibility and inclusion.

Download a quick Guide to Accessibility here.

We’ve provided further details and resources here which can be used by district groups, circuit groups and church groups, as well as 3Generate event volunteers, to enable everyone to be as accessible as possible.