Getting started as a Steward
As a steward, you are first and foremost a disciple.
A Methodist Way of Life provides a framework for thinking about discipleship, through the practices that help us grow in faith. What does a faithful disciple look like? Before thinking about your church, think about which commitments you are naturally drawn to and which you avoid.
You are also the ‘travelling companion’ on the discipleship journey with others.
Through reflecting and talking, you can guide the church community to stations and practices that open up new possibilities for them. All 12 stations should be open for travellers. Is any construction work needed in your church, and, if so, what’s the most urgent need? Are any stations over-constructed? All stations should be easily accessible for new spiritual seekers.
“I’ve started using the graphics for the practices on our PowerPoint slides. If there is a notice about a prayer meeting, there is the icon for Pray. If we’re asking for volunteers for the village litter pick, there is the icon for Flourish. It all helps to embed the idea that everything we do in life is part of our discipleship.”
Ideas to try
Every context and church community is different. The most appropriate ideas will be the ones that are authentic for the people and place you’re in. Here are a few ideas to consider – more can be found on the pages for each commitment, and on the MWOL resources page.
- Plan an event for the whole church community to explore the commitments. Use the resources to make it interactive. Affirm what people do well, individually and as a church, and reflect on what is neglected and needs to be developed.
- Include story sharing in every Sunday service and meeting. Ask someone to share which practice has been a ‘thin place’ that week, or a station they’ve visited for the first time. Celebrate these stories, big and small. Combine this with conversations in house groups/small groups.
- Plan a series of themed services about one or some of the commitments or focus on one for several weeks using our pick and mix service outlines. Aim to help people think about how the commitments relate to their faith.
- Regularly add a commitment to meeting agendas (including steward meetings and church or circuit leadership meetings) and discuss what it means to people and their faith, as well as for stewards as a team, and as a wider church or circuit.
The Evangelism and Growth team of the Methodist Church run events and webinars throughout the year for individuals and church leaders to explore what A Methodist Way of Life means for your community, including ‘Rural and Rooted’, a series for rural churches.