
Getting started as a District Chair

districtchairOne role of the districts is “to advance the mission of the Church in a region, by providing opportunities for Circuits to work together and support each other".

A Methodist Way of Life provides a clear focus on discipleship that builds up the whole Church with a strong Methodist identity and a commitment to working together as followers of Jesus.

Ideas to try

Every context and church community is different. The most appropriate ideas will be the ones that are authentic for the people and place you’re in. Here are a few ideas to consider – more can be found on the pages for each commitment, and on the MWOL resources page (including a series of service outlines).

  • Encourage the District leadership team to deepen their own discipleship and commit to new areas of developing discipleship. You could look at a discussion question at the start of each meeting or encourage team members to share which practice has been a ‘for them that week or month.
  • Hold an introductory or refresher session about discipleship and A Methodist Way of Life at your District Synod meeting. You might like to invite a District Enabler or Learning Network Officer to assist you with this.
  • Host a District Reimagining Discipleship event for lay, ordained and volunteers leaders to explore what engagement with A Methodist Way of Life might look like in their community. Contact the Evangelism and Growth team or the Learning Network for support with this.

The Evangelism and Growth team of the Methodist Church run events and webinars throughout the year for individuals and church leaders to explore what A Methodist Way of Life means for your community, including ‘Rural and Rooted’, a series for rural churches.