
Below is a list of Districts and their aligned officer:

1. North West England - Kristie Eve

Contact Kristie | evek@methodistchurch.org.uk | 07799 902582

Cumbria Mission Area - Brec Seaton
Contact Brec |  seatonb@methodistchurch.org.uk  | 07799 900469

Lancashire Mission Area - Melody Clarke
Contact Melody | clarkem@methodistchurch.org.uk | 07817 807555

Liverpool Plus Mission Area - Alison Hulse
Contact Alison | hulsea@methodistchurch.org.uk | 07799 900480

Manchester Plus Mission Area - Jasmine Devadason & Edel McClean 
Contact Jasmine | devadasonj@methodistchurch.org.uk | 07799 902560
Contact Edel  |  mccleane@methodistchurch.org.uk  |  07799 902563

2. Wales Synod Cymru - Roxanne Bainbridge

Contact Roxanne  |  bainbridger@methodistchurch.org.uk   | 07799 900 464 

5. Birmingham - Kerry Scarlett

Contact Kerry  |  scarlettk@methodistchurch.org.uk  |  07799 900472

7. Bristol - David Knight

David Knight | knightd@methodistchurch.org.uk | 07799 900 476

10. Channel Islands - James Devenish

Contact James  |  devenishj@methodistchurch.org.uk | 07799 902567

11. Chester and Stoke on Trent - Simon Sutcliffe

Contact Simon | sutcliffes@methodistchurch.org.uk | 07799 902578

13. Darlington - James Ballantyne

Contact James  |  ballantynej@methodistchurch.org.uk  |  07384 810587 

14. East Anglia - Ann Howlett-Foster & Jenna Thorne

Contact Ann | howlett-fostera@methodistchurch.org.uk| 07799 900 481
Contact Jenna | thornej@methodistchurch.org.uk  |  02074 675190

15. Isle of Man - Simon Sutcliffe

Contact Simon | sutcliffes@methodistchurch.org.uk | 07799 902578

17. Lincolnshire - Tim Annan

Contact Tim  | annant@methodistchurch.org.uk | 07799 902 581

20. Newcastle-upon-Tyne - John Boyd

Contact John | boydj@methodistchurch.org.uk  |  07791 425078   

22. Nottingham & Derby - James Key

Contact James Key | keyj@methodistchurch.org.uk | 07854 139448

23. Northampton - Vacant

(Please contact Tricia | mitchellt@methodistchurch.org.uk | 07799 900 454)

24. South West Peninsula - Bridget Down & Sharon Rowe

Contact Bridget | downb@methodistchurch.org.uk  |  07799 902564
Contact Sharon  |  rowes@methodistchurch.org.uk  |  07791 425501 

25. Sheffield - Siggy Parratt-Halbert

Contact Siggy | parratt-halberts@methodistchurch.org.uk | 07799 902575 

26. Southampton - James Devenish

Contact James  |  devenishj@methodistchurch.org.uk | 07799 902567

27. Yorkshire West - Carla Quenet

Contact Carla | quenetc@methodistchurch.org.uk  |  07772 979670 

28. Wolverhampton & Shrewsbury - Rosie Bryant

Contact Rosie | bryantr@methodistchurch.org.uk |  07772 979635

29. Yorkshire North & East - Graham Jones

Contact Graham | jonesg@methodistchurch.org.uk |  07799 902574 

31. Scotland - Kathryn Campbell

Contact Kathryn | campbellk@methodistchurch.org.uk  |  07384 816 483

32. Shetland - Kathryn Campbell

Contact Kathryn | campbellk@methodistchurch.org.uk  |  07384 816 483

34. Bedfordshire, Essex and Hertfordshire - Stuart Watkin

Contact Stuart | watkins@methodistchurch.org.uk  | 07825 669586

35. London - Sharon Nugent

Contact Sharon | nugents@methodistchurch.org.uk  |  07799 902585 

35. London - Sally Rush

Contact Sally | rushs@methodistchurch.org.uk | 07776 993 445 

36. South East - Jon White

Contact Jon | whitej@methodistchurch.org.uk  |  07969 985376