Resources for vocation-themed worship

When? Locally agreed date

Resources included here are designed to be used flexibly. You might want to draw on them to create a service for Vocations Sunday, perhaps through preaching a sermon, or leading others in using the spiritual practices. You might want to use them as part of small group discussions or other acts of worship. They're designed so they can be printed (perhaps as postcards or posters) or displayed on screen. You might even use the images to share on social media, websites or newsletters

Vocational Encouragement

Is God calling you? PDF | PNG Image Welsh Are you an encourager? PDF | PNG Image Welsh Encouraging and enabling others PDF | PNG Image | Welsh

Prayers and Spiritual PracticesPrayers of Adoration and Confession PDF | PNG Image Welsh Prayers of Thanksgiving PDF | PNG Image Welsh Prayers of Intercession PDF | PNG Image Welsh Lectio Divina PDF | PNG Image Welsh The Examen PDF | PNG Image | Welsh