When? Last Sunday in October

Bible Sunday, as its promoters rightly point out, may be marked on any (or every!) Sunday.

Of the more than 7,000 documented languages in the world today, over half do not have written Christian scriptures. This means that 209 million people do not, or cannot, possess any part of the Bible in their own language. Those of us who do are fortunate.

You can choose from a choice of resources produced by the England/Wales and Scotland Bible Societies

In Singing the Faith, section nine is devoted to The Holy Scriptures (StF 153 – 164). Authors range from Charles Wesley (Come, divine interpreter and Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire) to Dan Damon (When listening prophets dare to speak), with two hymns apiece from Christopher Idle and Keith Getty/Stuart Townend.

In the music edition of StF, additional hymns are suggested at the end of the section from elsewhere in the book – including William Reid’s Help us, O Lord to learn (the truth your word imparts…) (StF 501) and Brian Wren’s Deep in the shadows of the past (StF 463).